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A Guide to One-on-one Meetings with Agenda Template 

| Naue Tunes

A Guide to One-on-one Meetings with Agenda Template 

What are one-on-one meetings? 

A one-to-one meeting is a private conversation between a manager and an employee, usually scheduled periodically, which can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly – the more regular, the better! These are planned talks where you can review how work’s going, tackle any issues, and chat about your work and career goals. Unlike bigger team meetings, these chats are all about you and what you need to thrive at work. 


How often they should be? 

Aim to have these chats at least once a month. This keeps everyone on the same page, helps sort out any problems quickly, and keeps your working relationship strong. Sometimes, you might need these meetings more often, especially if things are changing fast or getting stressful. But when things are calm, meeting less often is okay too. Each place will figure out what rhythm works best for them. 


What are the benefits? 

For managers: 

  • Boost team spirit: regular one-on-ones show you really care about your team, making them more dedicated and happier at work. 
  • Stay in the know: these meetings give you a sneak peek into how the team isfeelings andperforms so you can solve any issues before they escalate.
  • Personalize growth plans: by understanding each person’s goals and talents, you can help them reach their full potential. 


For employees: 

  • Voice and visibility: this is your chance to share your thoughts and concerns, making sure you’re valued and understood. 
  • Get tailored advice: use this time to get advice and figure out how to tackle any challenges you’re facing. 
  • Aim higher: talking about your career goals can help set you on a path to reach them, with your boss’s support. 

Tips for one-to-one meetings: 

For managers: listen more than you talk 

  • Go beyond the checklist: encourage open chat instead of just ticking boxes. Listening can reveal more than you think. 
  • Build trust: make sure your team feels safe sharing their thoughts and ideas. 
  • Watch your body language: small things like eye contact and nodding show you’re really listening. 
  • Plan together: work on personal growth plans during these chats, showing you believe in their future. 
  • Follow up: after the meeting, recap what you discussed and take action. This shows these chats make a difference. 


For employees: make the most of it 

  • Come prepared: bring up what you want to talk about, whether it’s feedback, help you need, or ideas for your growth. 
  • Be honest: share your true thoughts and concerns. It helps build a culture where everyone's open and honest. 
  • Ask for feedback: getting specific feedback can help you grow and set clear goals. 
  • Show you’re keen to grow: talk about training or new tasks you’re interested in. It shows you’re ready to take on more. 
  • Reflect: after your chat, think about what was said and plan your next steps. It’s key for your growth. 


One-on-One Meeting Agenda Template 


Meeting Date: [Insert Date] 
Time: [Insert Time] 
Location: [Insert Location/Video Call Link] 
Participants: [Manager’s Name] and [Employee’s Name] 


1.Welcome and Check-in (around 2 minutes) 

  • Quick catch-up: How are you feeling today? 
  • Any immediate concerns to address? 

2.Review of Last Meeting’s Action Items (around 3 minutes) 

  • Discuss the progress on action items from the last meeting. 
  • Any follow-up needed? 

3.Work Updates and Discussion (around 3 minutes) 

  • What projects/tasks are you currently working on? 
  • Any successes or challenges since our last meeting? 

4.Feedback Exchange (around 10 minutes) 

For Employee: 

  • Share feedback on recent projects or team dynamics. 
  • Any support needed from management or team members? 

For Manager: 

  • Provide constructive feedback on employee’s recent performance. 
  • Recognize achievements and areas of improvement. 

5.Career Development and Goals (around 5 minutes) 

  • Discuss any new skills the employee wants to develop. 
  • Talk about long-term career goals and steps to get there. 

6.Well-being and Work-Life Balance (around 3 minutes) 

  • How are you managing work-life balance? 
  • Discuss any concerns or suggestions for improvement. 

7.Open Floor (around 5 minutes) 

  • Any other topics the employee would like to discuss? 
  • Open discussion for any new ideas or suggestions. 

8.Set Action Items and Next Meeting 

  • Agree on action items and responsibilities. 
  • Schedule the next meeting date and topics to cover. 


  • Recap main points and action items. 
  • Any final questions or comments? 


Notes Section: 
[Use this space for any notes during the meeting.] 

Action Items: 

  • [Action Item] - [Responsible Person] - [Due Date] 
  • [Action Item] - [Responsible Person] - [Due Date] 

Wrapping up 

One-on-one meetings are key to a strong, talkative, and motivated team in the hospitality world. By getting what they’re all about and making them regular, everyone can use them to grow, get better at their jobs, and build stronger connections at work. Using our tips and questions means these aren’t just routine checks but real chances to make things better for everyone. 



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