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Allergen Awareness: Why the Hospitality Industry Can’t Afford to Take Risks

| Alkimii

Food allergies are a serious business. In the UK, we have an estimated 2 million people living with a diagnosed food allergy. And, one in six of these people suffer such severe symptoms that require medical intervention. It’s no surprise that allergen awareness is at the top of the agenda in the hospitality industry. The risk of serious incidents is high. In some cases, even trace amounts of the allergenic ingredient can cause an acute allergic reaction. We need to be rigorous and meticulous in our approach to allergens if we’re going to provide a 100% safe experience for our customers.

Allergies are on the rise too. Across the developed world, food allergies are increasing, especially in children. 40% of children in the UK have been diagnosed with an allergy. The severity and complexity of food allergy is also escalating. It’s clear that allergies are becoming a significant issue for today’s children and their families, and also for tomorrow’s adults. And the hospitality industry needs to act accordingly.

“Up to 20% of patients with allergies live with a severe debilitating form of their condition, and struggle daily with the fear of a possible asthma attack, anaphylactic shock, or even death from an allergic reaction.”
The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)


Keeping up with legal compliance

Since December 2014, food service businesses have been required by law to provide information on 14 allergens that appear in ingredients used in the dishes they serve. Hotels, restaurants and bars must make allergen information available, whether via the menu or verbally if the customer asks.

In addition, new health and safety legislation came into place following the tragic death of 15-year-old Natasha in 2016 after she bought a baguette from Pret a Manger. Sesame seeds had been baked into the bread, but due to the lack of allergen information on the packaging, Natasha was unaware of this. Due to her sesame allergy, she sadly died of a fatal allergic reaction after collapsing onboard a flight shortly afterwards.

Following a successful campaign led by her family, Natasha’s Law took effect in 2021. As of October 2021, businesses must label all foods produced and packed for sale at the same premises with a full list of ingredients, and declare the presence of any of the 14 named allergens. 

While this food safety law applies to pre-packaged goods, it still has a huge impact on the entire hospitality industry. Total transparency about all ingredients and allergens is vital. If you rely on verbal information, there is always the possibility of this being incorrect or customers not asking and assuming the food is safe. Food allergen awareness requires 100% clarity. Signposting all ingredients provides more reassurance to those with allergies and food hypersensitivity, and puts all parties in a safer place.


Managing allergen risk

Operational risk is a serious issue in the hospitality industry, and effective allergen management is a must-have requirement. If you want to present as a business that prioritises inclusivity and safety, you’ll need to put some robust procedures in place. You’ll need to identify, control and communicate information about allergens present in food and prevent any opportunities for cross-contamination.

The solution to allergen management lies in effective communication across your team. In the midst of a busy working day, with frequent shift changes, handovers and distractions, it’s vital to ensure that every procedure is followed down to the letter. Cutting corners is not an option when it comes to food allergy awareness. That’s where dedicated hospitality software comes to the rescue…


#1 Checklists

Confirm every task has been completed and every procedure followed

Checklists are at the heart of successful allergen management. They provide a systematic approach toChecklist ensuring every crucial measure is completed according to the policies in place. You will need different checklists for every part of the process from food storage, to food preparation, to product labelling, to servers and front-of-house staff. Checklists are invaluable for staff training purposes too. Whether you have new team members or are putting new procedures in place, checklists ensure everyone is up to speed with the protocols.

Hospitality property operations software can create checklists configured to meet the exact requirements of your allergy awareness programme. When your employees complete a checklist, whether it’s tailored to your kitchen staff or your front-of-house team, you’ll know for sure that every food safety measure has been correctly addressed and monitored. Plus, opt for a system that includes the use of NFC tags, and you’ll have definitive proof that crucial steps have been completed. Your staff will have to physically check in to complete the checklist task.

By making checklists part of your staff’s daily routine, you’ll create that all-important sense of accountability. And, you’ll have a record of completion, giving you complete peace of mind.


#2 Handovers

Make sure nothing slips through the gaps between handovers

 There are many procedures needed to keep on top of proactive allergen management. And part of this is maintaining full awareness of the current situation at hand. At all times, you need to know which customers have which food allergies and ensure that the team on the floor are aware and prepared to handle this. You’ll also need to discuss incoming bookings, to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks between frequent shift changes and handovers.

You need software that can handle the pace, no matter how busy it gets. Shift handover notes ensure your operations team have seamless communications between shifts on desktop and mobile. For example, you will need to conduct a thorough review of the allergy matrix at the point of handover, and gain confirmation from the chef that no dishes have changed. The shift notes can be easily configured to capture the vital handover information you need, and you can create tailored templates according to the different shift requirements.


#3 Incident Reporting

Closely monitor incidents to build a clear picture and learn from trends

It’s absolutely vital to keep on top of reporting, ensuring all near-misses are reported and incidents are loggedIncident report correctly. The importance of near misses is not to be underestimated. It’s estimated that 1 in 90 near misses results in an accident, which can sometimes be fatal, so capturing these potential incidents is a crucial part of best practice. By closely monitoring incidents and near-misses, you can build a clear picture of the risks, and learn from trends, to ensure a safer environment for everyone.

The right hospitality software will help you keep on top of this task. In the rush of a busy day, manual reporting can often be forgotten, or not completed correctly. Operations software will ensure that all incidents are logged accurately and consistently. It will allow you to monitor incident rates across single or multiple sites. And live data lets you make faster decisions, in the moment.


#4 Briefings

Ensure your staff fully understand the procedures and policies in place

Your staff should have full training and instructions on handling allergy information requests, and be able to respond appropriately to requests for ‘allergen-free’ meals. They must be aware of the risks of allergen cross-contamination when handling and preparing foods and understand how to prevent this. Ultimately, you need to be sure that all employees can ensure that customers with food allergies are provided with safe food. You need to be sure there are no knowledge gaps, and no weak links.

Hospitality software makes it easy to schedule briefings and training sessions and allows for real-time interactions to take place. Seamless communication gives you full oversight of everything that is happening, and reporting makes sure that every last detail is covered. You need dedicated software that takes care of all the details to ensure full compliance, when it matters the most.



About Alkimii Property

Alkimii Property gives your team all the information they need, integrated into a single app. Checklists, handovers and reports have you covered at all times, and health and safety is a cinch with hotel and group-level overviews. Plus, you can manage staff and guest incidents as they happen with seamless communication and full oversight. Find out more at https://www.alkimii.com/alkimii-property


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