Alkimii Blog

Enhancing Employee Communication in Hospitality: Strategies for Seamless Workflow 

Written by Naue Tunes | 20, March, 2024

Did you know that approximately 80 per cent of workers worldwide are "deskless," meaning they do not typically work at a stationary desk? In the hospitality sector, this statistic is particularly relevant. Highlighting a sizable portion of your team is not confined to a specific workspace. Consequently, showing the importance of crafting a communication strategy tailored to their needs is essential. 

In hospitality, effective communication is the cornerstone of smooth operations. From the kitchen to housekeeping and front desk, seamless communication is crucial for ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals. However, communication breakdowns can disrupt this harmony and impact guest satisfaction. 

In this blog post, we will delve into the communication challenges encountered by hoteliers and hospitality managers. By understanding these challenges, we can explore practical strategies to overcome them and ensure that your team can communicate effectively, keeping both operations and guest experiences seamless and satisfying. 


Fragmented Communication Impact: 

Hospitality workers often juggle multiple communication tools and platforms, leading to confusion and inefficiency. Integrating these channels into a unified communication platform streamlines information flow and ensures that critical messages are easily accessible. By incorporating messaging apps designed for work, employees can stay focused on work-related messages, reducing distractions from personal communications. This centralised hub for communication allows employees to communicate more effectively and collaborate seamlessly, enhancing productivity and reducing the likelihood of missed communications. 

Language Barriers and Communication Challenges: 

Multicultural teams in hospitality settings may encounter language barriers that hinder effective communication and collaboration. Offering communication systems that allow you to upload files such as videos, images, and PDFs helps overcome language barriers by providing context to conversations. For example, a maintenance task requiring a specific fixture check could be easily explained with a picture showing the exact location and issue, making it clearer for employees who might struggle with language nuances. 

Shift Handover Errors: 

Shift handovers are pivotal moments for transferring crucial information, yet they are often prone to errors and miscommunication due to lack of procedure. Many hospitality organisations still rely on paper or email threads for shift handovers, which complicates information retrieval, can lead to misplaced documents, and lacks real-time oversight by managers on shift note completion or issue notifications. Digital shift handover tools provide a structured platform for documenting shift handover, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks during transitions. By digitalising the handover process, employees can access real-time updates and key information from their colleagues, minimising errors and promoting smoother transitions between shifts. Additionally, managers can review shift notes on their phones as needed, staying informed in real time. 

Real-Time Communication Benefits: 

Without access to real-time communication tools, employees may miss important updates or changes, leading to delays and disruptions in operations. Implementing communication platforms with instant messaging and notification features keeps your team informed of changes as they happen. By enabling real-time communication, team members can respond promptly to guest requests, operational changes, and emergencies, improving overall efficiency and guest satisfaction. 

Employee Feedback Impact: 

Effective communication is not just about productivity; it is also crucial for ensuring your team can converse openly with their managers and offer feedback. Effective feedback empowers team members to share valuable insights and suggestions for improvement, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By creating avenues for feedback, such as surveys and/or regular check-ins, management demonstrates a commitment to listening and responding to employees' concerns. Encouraging open communication and acting on feedback shows that employee input is valued, leading to higher engagement and morale. 


By addressing common communication challenges and implementing effective communication strategies, hospitality managers can enhance operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. Prioritising integrated communication solutions, accommodating language diversity, enabling real-time updates, and establishing employee feedback mechanisms significantly improve workflow and contribute to the overall success of hospitality establishments.