Alkimii Blog

Real-Time Incident Reporting for Hospitality

Written by Naue Tunes | 16, November, 2023

In hospitality, insurance costs can be a substantial burden. From property insurance to liability coverage, the expenses add up. However, there's a game-changing solution that can significantly reduce insurance costs and claims: real-time incident reporting. This innovative approach is transforming the hospitality sector and helping businesses reduce their insurance and claims costs. 

Understanding the Wider Impact: The Numbers Behind Incidents 

When considering the significance of incident reporting within the hospitality industry, it's essential to appreciate the broader context of workplace safety. The statistics related to workplace incidents and their associated costs reveal the substantial financial and human toll. Here are a few key figures: 

  • In 2018/19, the annual costs of workplace injuries reached a staggering 5.6 billion pounds in the UK alone. This statistic, derived from estimates based on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), underscores the financial burden of workplace incidents. 
  • In Ireland, the economic impact of workplace accidents is also substantial. According to Martin O'Halloran, former HSA chief executive, it is estimated that the cost of workplace accidents to the economy is well over €3 billion annually. This figure emphasises that workplace safety is not only a UK concern but a global one with significant economic implications. 
  • Work-related ill health and non-fatal workplace injuries in 2019/20 led to a significant impact on the workforce. Approximately 38.8 million working days were lost due to these incidents, as reported through self-reports from UK’s Labour Force Survey. This not only affects productivity but also has personal and societal consequences. 

Now, it's important to recognise that these numbers only encompass work-related incidents. The hospitality industry, however, has a unique set of challenges. In addition to workplace incidents, this sector must contend with incidents involving guests. These incidents can include slips and falls, property damage, and even disputes between guests. 

Consequently, the financial implications of incidents in the hospitality sector extend beyond the workplace to include potential liability for injuries or damages incurred by guests. This underscores the need for a comprehensive incident reporting and management system in the industry, one that captures and addresses both employee and guest-related incidents. 


How Real-Time Incident Reporting Works 

Real-time incident reporting relies on advanced technologies and software solutions like Alkimii Property. Here's a simplified overview of how it operates: 

  • Incidents are reported through a user-friendly interface or mobile app. 
  • The system collects and records data in real time. 
  • Data is analysed and categorised based on type, location and category. 
  • Notifications are sent to designated personnel for immediate action. 
  • Incident reports are generated and stored for analysis and future reference. 


How Real-Time Incident Reporting Can Make a Difference 

  • Immediate Response: Real-time reporting allows management to respond swiftly to incidents. For example, if a guest slips and falls, reporting the incident immediately enables staff to take appropriate actions, such as providing medical assistance. A quick response can mitigate the severity of injuries and reduce the likelihood of claims.
  • Documentation: Timely reporting ensures that incidents are accurately documented. When the documentation is done in real time, the details are fresh in people's minds. This includes capturing photos, CCTV, videos, and witness statements, which can be preserved for use in the event of an insurance claim. This real-time approach not only ensures accuracy but also helps prevent fraudulent or exaggerated claims, as there is a reliable record of the incident. 
  • Risk Mitigation: Real-time incident reporting allows businesses to identify trends and areas of concern. For example, if there are frequent reports of accidents in a specific location on the property, management can take preventive measures to reduce the risk, such as adding non-slip mats, improving lighting, or enhancing safety protocols. This proactive approach can help reduce the number of incidents and claims over time. 
  • Liability Management: Immediate reporting helps determine liability more accurately. If a guest or employee is injured on the premises, it's crucial to assess exactly what happened and , therefore proactive action can be taken to ensure there is no reoccurrence. Having a record of the incident and the circumstances can expedite this process and reduce legal costs associated with determining liability.
  • Improved Guest Experience: Real-time reporting can also lead to improved guest satisfaction. When guests see that the hotel or hospitality business is attentive to their concerns and takes immediate action to address issues, they are more likely to have a positive experience.  
  • Favourable Insurance Terms: Insurance companies often look favourably upon businesses that demonstrate a commitment to risk management and safety. Proactive incident reporting can lead to better terms on insurance policies, potentially reducing insurance premiums. 
  • Reduction in Fraud: Prompt incident reporting can deter fraudulent claims. In some cases, individuals may stage accidents or injuries in an attempt to secure compensation. Immediate and thorough investigation and documentation can make it more difficult for fraudulent claims to succeed. 
  • Training and Awareness: Real-time reporting can also be used for training and awareness. By analysing incident reports, businesses can identify common issues and provide staff with additional training to prevent reoccurrences.




Collecting Comprehensive Incident Report Information 

 An effective incident report is the cornerstone of a robust risk management strategy. When an incident occurs, gathering the right information is vital for addressing the issue and preventing future occurrences. Here's a breakdown of what should be collected on an incident report: 

  • Date and Time: Start by recording the date and time of the incident. This establishes a chronological record and helps in identifying trends or patterns related to timing. 
  • Location: Specify the exact location of the incident. This information is crucial for identifying areas prone to recurring issues and for taking preventative measures. Taking pictures of the location is necessary. 
  • Involved Parties: Document the names and contact information of all individuals involved, including guests, employees, and witnesses. This information is essential for communication and follow up. 
  • Nature of the Incident: Clearly describe the nature of the incident. Was it a slip, trip or fall, a guest dispute, a medical emergency, or something else? Providing detailed information helps in understanding the incident's context. 
  • Description of the Incident: Write a comprehensive narrative detailing what happened. Include any actions taken before, during, and after the incident. Be as specific and objective as possible, avoiding assumptions or opinions. 
  • Injuries and Medical Assistance: If there are injuries, document the nature and extent of them. Note whether medical assistance was provided and by whom. This is crucial for insurance claims and liability determination. 
  • Witness Statements: If there were witnesses, record their statements. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights into the incident. 
  • Photographs and Evidence: Take photos of the incident scene, injuries, or any relevant evidence. Visual documentation can be critical for investigations, claims, and liability assessment. 
  • Contributing Factors: Identify any factors that may have contributed to the incident, such as wet floors, faulty equipment, or inadequate lighting. Understanding these factors is essential for implementing preventive measures. 
  • Actions Taken: Describe the actions taken immediately following the incident, including first aid, communication with supervisors, or any other relevant steps. This demonstrates a proactive approach to incident management. 
  • Supervisor's Involvement: If a supervisor or manager was informed or participated in addressing the incident, note their name, role, and actions taken. 
  • Employee Signature: Include a section for the reporting employee's signature and date, confirming the accuracy of the report. 
  • Review and Approval: Designate a space for supervisor or management review and approval of the incident report.  

By collecting this comprehensive information, incident reports become valuable tools for not only addressing immediate concerns but also for shaping long-term safety strategies. Remember that consistency and accuracy in incident reporting are essential for risk management, insurance claims, and continuous improvement in the hotel and hospitality industry. 


Other Key Considerations 

  • No Incident Too Small: Emphasise that no incident is too minor to report. Small incidents can sometimes reveal patterns or weaknesses in safety measures that, if left unaddressed, could lead to more significant problems down the line. 
  • Detailed Descriptions: Encourage those reporting incidents to provide detailed descriptions. The "who, what, when, where, why, and how" should all be addressed. Specific information helps in understanding the context of the incident and can be invaluable for investigations. 
  • Incorporate CCTV: Utilize your CCTV system to log and review footage related to incidents. CCTV footage can serve as strong evidence and can provide a clear account of what transpired. 
  • Supervisor Review: Implement a system where incident reports are reviewed by supervisors or management. This allows for additional insights and ensures that appropriate actions are taken. 
  • Invest in User-Friendly, Integrated Software Solutions: Implement user-friendly, integrated software solutions to streamline incident reporting and management. 


Incident Reporting Revolutionised: The Digital Era 

Incident reporting is essential for risk management and guest safety. However, traditional methods can be cumbersome and time-consuming, deterring employees from reporting. Digital incident reporting solutions address these challenges, streamlining the process and empowering employees to engage actively. 

Our cutting-edge system simplifies incident reporting and enhances safety measures in several ways: 

1. Comprehensive data capture: Step-by-step input with clear visual instructions and user-friendly tap-and-type input ensures that all relevant details are captured effectively, minimising the risk of missing critical information. 

2. Clarity and accountability: A clean and organised platform provides a transparent and accountable reporting process, with every contribution documented.

3. Real-time insights: Instant access to the latest updates and specific incidents allows you to stay informed and responsive, enhancing safety protocols. 

4. Holistic incident overview: Documents, photographs, and essential details provide a holistic perspective of each incident, saving valuable time in assessment. 


Benefits of Digital Incident Reporting 

  1. Streamlined process: Digital incident reporting is faster and easier than traditional paper-based methods, saving employees time and effort. 
  2. Increased accuracy: They help to ensure that incident reports are accurate and complete by providing clear instructions and structured input formats. 
  3. Improved visibility: It allows you to track and analyse incident data in real-time, providing valuable insights into trends and patterns.
  4. Enhanced safety: Digital incident reporting can help to improve safety by identifying and addressing potential hazards quickly and effectively. 

Overall, digital incident reporting offers a number of significant benefits over traditional methods. By streamlining the process, improving accuracy, and enhancing visibility, digital incident reporting can help you create a safer and more efficient workplace. 


How Best Practices in Incident Reporting Enhance Hospitality Safety 

 Understanding best practices in incident reporting is crucial for advancing the capabilities of real-time reporting systems, which are transforming how the hospitality sector manages safety and compliance. Here's how integrating these practices can make real-time incident reporting even more effective: 

Emphasise the Importance Real-Time and Standardised Reports 

Real-time incident reporting thrives on promptness and consistency. By establishing a standardised process for how incidents are reported—ensuring that every detail is promptly logged—the accuracy and utility of real-time data are greatly enhanced. This standardisation not only facilitates immediate action but also supports comprehensive data analysis, which is critical for identifying patterns and preventing future incidents. 

Encourage Comprehensive Training and Support 

Training plays a pivotal role in effective incident reporting. Ensure that all employees, from the front desk to management, understand the importance of immediate reporting and are comfortable using digital tools provided, like Alkimii Property. Regular training updates can help team members stay informed about new features and best practices, ensuring they feel supported and that the system is used to its full potential. 

Foster a Culture of Safety and Transparency 

A transparent culture that encourages the reporting of every incident, regardless of severity, ensures that real-time incident reporting tools are used effectively. By valuing safety and openness, you reassure employees that reporting benefits everyone and contributes to a safer environment. This cultural approach aligns closely with the benefits of digital incident reporting systems, which promote visibility and swift response. 

Regularly Review and Adapt Policies 

As the hospitality industry evolves, so should incident reporting practices. Regular reviews of incident data and processes can help identify areas for improvement in the reporting process itself. This adaptability ensures that the process remains effective in the face of changing industry standards and challenges. 


Simplify your Incident Reporting with Alkimii Property 

To streamline your incident reporting and elevate overall safety measures, explore the capabilities of Alkimii Property. Our comprehensive platform offers a suite of features that cover compliance, productivity, maintenance, and, of course, incident reporting. 

With Alkimii Property's Incident reporting tools, you'll discover a range of benefits designed to make your incident management smoother and more effective: 

  • Comprehensive Form: Our system provides a detailed and well-structured incident reporting form that prompts users to answer all the necessary essential questions, ensuring that no crucial details are overlooked. 
  • Signature Feature: Notifications are automatically sent to the right individuals once an incident report is submitted. This feature ensures that incidents are promptly addressed by the appropriate personnel. 
  • Incident Overview: Keep track of all reported incidents in one centralised location. This overview allows for easy reference and analysis of past incidents, helping you identify patterns and trends. 
  • Real-Time Dashboard: Alkimii Property's real-time dashboard offers a visual representation of incident trends. It enables you to make data-driven decisions by providing insights into safety measures, areas of concern, and opportunities for improvement. 


Incorporating Alkimii Property's incident reporting features into your daily operations can enhance your ability to manage safety effectively. By simplifying the incident reporting process, you can not only mitigate risks but also create a safer and more enjoyable experience for both your guests and your staff. 

Book a demo to learn how Alkimii Property can revolutionise your incident reporting. It's time to embrace a modern approach to incident management in the hotel and hospitality industry.